Rent A Car Working System

Rent A Car Working System

The working system for rent-a-car companies may evolve periodically based on the company's corporate structure, industry conditions, and other factors. As is well known, every company develops strategies and working principles tailored to its internal dynamics. This holds true for rent-a-car companies as well.

Rent A Car Working System

What is the Rent-A-Car Working System?

The Rent-A-Car Working System can change periodically based on the corporate structure of the company, sector conditions, and other factors. Each company develops strategies and working principles tailored to its internal dynamics, and this is also true for rent-a-car companies. Therefore, the information provided about the rent-a-car working system may not apply to every company but is intended to reflect the general structure of the sector.

Assurance Fee / Provision

Rent-a-car companies may require customers to make a security deposit or provision from their credit cards to guarantee the rental price and cover potential damages. This assurance fee or provision typically covers traffic fines, missing fuel, minor damages, and cleaning costs for issues such as pet-related dirt. If no issues occur during the rental period, the fee is usually refunded in full.

Rent-A-Car Insurance

Vehicles rented from rent-a-car companies are covered by a special insurance policy that protects against damages up to a certain amount, commonly around 1,500 TL. For damages within this limit, no additional fee is charged to the customer. However, this insurance is valid only if the vehicle is used by the declared driver who is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The driver is legally liable for all damages if these conditions are violated.

Fuel Principles

Two common practices exist regarding fuel in the rent-a-car industry. Some companies require the vehicle to be returned with an empty tank, while others prefer a full tank. Companies that use the full-tank policy check the fuel level at the end of the rental. If the tank is not full, they charge the cost of the missing fuel to the customer’s security deposit or credit card provision.

Cleaning of Vehicles

Vehicle cleaning is a key aspect of the rent-a-car working system. Most companies ensure vehicles are cleaned before delivery to customers. The COVID-19 pandemic has added additional responsibilities, requiring both cleaning and disinfection. Vehicles are typically cleaned by staff, and professional support may be used for disinfection during high turnover periods.

Renewal of Vehicles

Renters often prefer the latest vehicle models for safety and comfort, leading to frequent vehicle purchases and sales for rent-a-car companies. This renewal process, particularly for luxury vehicles, requires significant investment and careful consideration before making investment decisions.

In this article, we outlined and explained the rent-a-car working system processes. Other processes, such as customer service, accounting, human resources, and website management, will be covered in future articles.

Managing all aspects of the rent-a-car working system manually can be burdensome and slow. Therefore, leveraging technology is highly recommended. The Titarus rent-a-car operating system is designed to provide comprehensive support and streamline these processes.


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Car Rental and CRM Program

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Accident with A Rental Car

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Vehicle Subscription Services

When you need a car for both personal and business reasons, the first option is often to borrow it from relatives. If this isn't feasible, you should consider either buying or renting a new or second-hand vehicle.

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How Should Vehicle Cleaning Be Done?

Turkey has been fighting the coronavirus for about a year and a half. Various measures, such as bans, closures, and personal precautions, have been implemented to slow down the spread of the virus. While personal hygiene is a crucial factor in combating the virus, maintaining the hygiene of the cars we drive is equally important.

What is a Rental Vehicle Tracking System?

The rental vehicle tracking system is a system that allows rent-a-car companies to send information to the center via a GPS connection from a small device installed in their vehicles. It also provides instant tracking with location notifications. For car rental companies, cost and safety are very important considerations, given the value of the cars they rent.

What is Required to Open a Rent A Car Company?

The Rent-A-Car Working System can evolve based on the company's corporate structure, sector conditions, and other factors. Each company develops unique strategies and operational principles according to its internal dynamics. This principle also applies to rent-a-car companies, which may adapt their systems and processes to meet their specific needs and market conditions.

Rent a Car Contract Program

It is essential for car rental companies to have the ability to retrospectively examine contracts, keep them organized, and easily prepare new contracts when needed. While contracts were once stored as paper documents, they can now be efficiently managed using digital media.

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